
I am a Certified Natural Health Practitioner with 20 years of experience treating clients for all sorts of problems – muscle and back pain, low energy, anxiety, stress, poor immunity, joint problems, chronic fatigue and other issues.

My special interest lies in how clays, salts, mud and other minerals combined with far-infrared heat interact with the body bringing about amazing healing results. As a result, I created a number of mineral-based treatments and training courses for therapists and members of the public. I have also written a number of books on the subject of mineral healing.


Before you sign up for any of the courses, why not try the treatments out for yourself?

Some of the uses and benefits of the treatments:

  • Detoxification “on steroids”. This means the release of toxins due to the use of FIR technology and detoxifying properties of minerals.
  • Weight loss through detox. Our treatments involve profuse sweating which relieves initial water retention, as well as supplying the body with the minerals and the removal of toxins which helps to speed up metabolism and weight loss.
  • Fast transdermal magnesium supplementation – relieves muscle aches, joint pain, general toxicity, nervous tension, stress, insomnia, fatigue, poor immunity, and so much more – thanks to the way magnesium works with the body, being one of the most powerful relaxants in nature.

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Far Infared Mineral Wrap

Courses for Therapists & the Public

These are online courses with an optional offline practical module. The courses are available both for natural health and beauty practitioners and members of the public who want to learn the treatments to improve their own health.

The courses are available to study both to therapists and members of the public. To become qualified to offer the treatments to the paying public in the UK and Northern Ireland, you need to have a Level 3 body massage certificate.

We suggest buying a coursebook on Amazon to start learning about the treatments. It will also help you get to the right module when you need it. This is not a replacement for online learning but simply an aid to your learning. To enrol on a course, send us a message about the course you would like to study and whether you want to learn it professionally or for personal reasons.

Buy the course books on Amazon

Five of our courses are now available as books on Amazon and Google Play/ Google Reads. They contain the modules and units but not the quizzes and do not lead to assessment and certification:

Buy PDF Books Here

Uses and benefits of mineral therapies:

      • Transdermal Detoxification. This means the release of toxins due to the use of FIR technology and detoxifying properties of minerals.
      • Weight loss through detox. Our treatments involve profuse sweating which relieves initial water retention, as well as supplying the body with the minerals and the removal of toxins which helps to speed up metabolism and weight loss.
      • Fast transdermal magnesium supplementation – relieves muscle aches, joint pain, general toxicity, nervous tension, stress, insomnia, fatigue, poor immunity, and so much more – thanks to the way magnesium works with the body, being one of the most powerful relaxants in nature.

The courses can be studied online and offline. An offline practical module is offered to those who are able to travel to the UK. If you are outside the UK, the courses can be completed 100% online.

I also offer other treatments and coaching sessions:

To ask questions, enrol in a course or book a treatment, please enquire for details. And if you want to keep updated about new treatments, books, free reports, and courses, use the form on the right to sign up for updates.
Pick up your free “Mineral Healing” report (see the form on the right).

Business owner, blogger, natural health practitioner

Pure Nature Cures School of Mineral & Spa Therapies

Discover Simple Remedies for Natural Self-Healing

​Find out how salts, clays, muds, zeolite & diatomite can help you heal. Enter your details below to claim your FREE report.